Monday, March 31, 2008

Sonny Did What?

I don't very often read the student newspaper for reasons ranging from not attending class, to just not totally agreeing with the very bias views that they some times have, but today was an exception. I couldn't help but notice an article about, our not so loving of a republican governor Sonny Perdue. The article went along the basis of stating that he would not allow the people vote for their own right to allow Sunday sales of alcohol, you got love those fun loving Baptist. I understand his views of him not drinking on Sunday, but just because he would rather sit and watch our beloved Falcons lose on Sunday, sober, from his nice governor's mansion doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to watch them heavily intoxicated from my home, instead of having to drive to a bar and risk getting a DUI, which good ole Sonny feels like will increase with the ability to go to a gas station, buy your beer, drive home sober and then drink. Some times he just needs to think before he speaks, because after another season like last year he is going to want to start getting drunk on Sundays too.

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